Humimax is an organic fertiliser obtained from humic raw materials of vegetable origin. Humic substances are obtained through a process of transformation of plant raw materials, resulting in a liquid product with a high content of humic and fulvic acids applicable through the irrigation
Humimax is a highly active organic corrector that improves the root environment and nutritional dynamics of the soil, optimising the use of fertiliser and water, thereby increasing crop yields.
Humimax® should be always applied to the soil dissolved in the irrigation water. It is recommended to split total doses into separate applications depending on the crop cycle. It can be applied with ood, spraying, drip or sprinkling irrigation.
It can be mixed with the most usual mineral fertilizers. Do not mix with acid reaction products or calcium, unless it is chelated.
Drip irrigation: 125-175 cc/tree and year
Drip irrigation: 50-100 cc/tree and year
Drip irrigation: 75-90 cc/tree and year
Drip irrigation: 100-200 Lt/Ha and year
- Drip irrigation: 55-65 Lt/Ha and year
Drip irrigation: 200 Lt/Ha and year
Drip irrigation: 75-80 Lt/Ha and year
Drip irrigation: 100 Lt/Ha and year
Drip irrigation: 75-100 Lt/Ha and year
Drip irrigation: 30-60 cc/vine and year
Drip irrigation: 35-175 cc/vine and year
Drip irrigation: 45-65 Lt/Ha and year
Drip irrigation: 100 Lt/Ha and year
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